The circular economy reaches the electric batteries through the Lions2Life project

News 25 Jun 2020

Lions2Life project has been launched: a European project promoted by theEIT-Climate- KIC that will use lithium batteries from electric vehicles to store energy.

The project focuses mainly on shared electric mobility systems that are beginning to proliferate in our cities such as scooters, bicycles and electric motorcycles, and aims to prevent mountains of waste from being generated, but rather form part of a sustainable circular economy, where at the end of its life, batteries become part of renewable energy storage systems.

This is not a pipe dream, as companies like Tesla or Nissan are already marketing used batteries from their electric cars as energy storage batteries for the home.

The project is generating great expectations, both in the shared mobility and renewable energy sectors. The former look for a way to value their used batteries, while the latter look for storage solutions that are cost-effective and allows them to accommodate the supply and demand for energy. A great interest for the project has been showed so that consortium partners are considering the possibility of offering alliances to these companies to offer them the development of the technological solutions they need.

Several municipalities, such as Paterna and Ribaroja, have also shown their interest, and are partners in the project, coordinated by AVAESEN, la Asociación Valenciana de Empresas del Sector de la Energía. ECODOM (Italy) and Recyclia (Spain), relevant industrial actors involved in the waste management system, join the forces to tackle the challenge of Lions2Life project and ensure the replicability of the project solutions to the rest of the countries of the European Union.

The Polytechnic University of Valencia is leading the project, and Sustainable Towns, promoter of the La Pinada eco-neighborhood, is the one who is going to exploit the technological solution for second-life batteries. Other companies such as Albufera Energy and Fibernova complete the industrial commitment of the project.
